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Kenwood Apartments: HomeSweet
Carver Center:My Former WorkPlace
B-Day:Celebrated in Typical Desi Manner
American Family:Helen & Bonie at Diwali Function
Gary & Linda: My Role Models at UT.
A Peaceful Evening at Maumee River,Toledo
Ab aur nahi chala jata: at Cedar Point
Gala Time at Cedar Point
At Chicago: With beautiful Skyline in the background
Hum Asman ko Choona Chahate Hain: Navy Pier, Chicago
Carnegie Melon Science Center:at Pittsburgh
About to Enter Canada: at US/Canada Border
Hip Hip Hurray, alas reached the Heavens: at Niagara Falls
At the Observation Tower,Niagara with American Falls in the background
Ab Canada dur Nahi:At Niagara with Canada in the Background
The Niagara Falls: Simply Wonderful Place!

Calif/LA Photos to Come !!!


In my spare time, I like to do net surfing, swimming, website development and bore my close friends on phone.


E-mail: amolbhide@engineer.com
Web Site: www.amolbhide.com

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